What makes a good sound tech?

The primary responsibility of a sound tech is to support the sound engineer. He also has one major responsibility: to be attentive. The second responsibility is load in and load out. Pay Attention Attention has many aspects. A good sound tech will be attentive to the engineer’s needs. Attention means being attentive. Engineers should communicate with their tech easily. During…

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Comparative Comparison of the Traditional English Laws and European Community (EC), Laws on Juisdictional Values

Introduction: This paper compares the English traditional law with the European Community (EC), law on jurisdictional value. It aims to explain and elucidate the reasons why the former set jurisdictional rules values flexibility and justice and the latter sets of rules values predictability and certainty. It will examine their political or historical background, as well as…

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Crypto Currency vs Fiat Currency

Crypto currency vs. Fiat money Are you familiar with the fiat and crypto currencies? Both are currencies and can be used worldwide. They are however, distinct and different in their own ways. One group favors cryptos while the other prefers fiat currencies. Crypto money plays a major role in a cashless society You will see that cash was…

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