Roasting coffee at home can be addictive, even if you love the process. Breeze Valley Coffee Roasters is simple to use and produces a superior coffee taste. It’s easy to become addicted to fresh, delicious coffee.
However, to become a great roaster, you must go through several phases. This can be a steep learning curve. There are many pitfalls and obstacles that can get in your way of delicious and high-quality roasts. Here are eight things you should avoid when roasting coffee.
1). Failure to heat your equipment properly: The temperature of your equipment can fluctuate depending on the season. You will need to heat the equipment before roasting the coffee. You can ruin your roasts if you don’t properly heat the roaster.
2). Failure to make important notes when roasting coffee: Coffee roasting is a repetitive process that involves following different procedures. You could get a different taste from your next roasts if you don’t record the process. It is important to record all temperatures, from start to finish. You may also want to record changes in heat application and airflow.
3). Do not let the coffee rest after roasting. The roast type, roast altitude, and profile will all affect the time it takes to rest. It is a good idea to give the roasts at least five days to fully release their CO2 content. While darker coffees can be drunk quickly, lighter coffees should be allowed to cool down for longer periods.
4). Coffee that is over-or under-roasted: This is a common error in homemade coffee. This can be avoided if you know the type of coffee that you prefer. Home roasting is a complicated process. These pitfalls can prove to be costly for newbies.
5). Uncertain about the type of green coffee you roast: This is a common mistake. You can’t correctly manage your coffee if you don’t know much about it. Each green bean has its own unique characteristics. This is why it is important to learn every detail about each coffee bean. Special roasting techniques are often required due to the different properties of coffee beans.
6). Baking beans: This is the term used to describe the problem with roasting green coffee beans. It usually results in a loss of flavor. The bean temperature may not change as desired but could stall. If you roast the coffee at an incorrect time, this could happen. This problem can be solved by not letting the coffee cool down before it cracks. Then, you need to stop baking.
7). Scorching is another error that can be made when too much heat is applied to the coffee roast’s initial stages. A scorched coffee bean is one that has been roasted to a crisp on the outside, but it still retains its raw elements inside. This is why you need to avoid too much heat at the beginning stage of your roast. This is most common in roasters with powerful burners. These defects can be avoided with roasters such as Breeze Valley specialty coffee roasters.
8). You should not use dirty coffee roasting tools. These are dangerous and could ruin your whole coffee-making process. Coffee wastes are extremely flammable. Chaff accumulation is a major fire hazard.